Several developments are to be implemented in TotalSim’s open source CFD software over the next 12 months.
Short term priorities include a new method – which is currently being tested internally – that has been developed to help reduce the run time for DES simulations. Current indications are that full-car cases (~60 million cells) will solve 1.5s of solution time in just over 24hrs on 48 cores.
A pre-processing tool, currently available as a beta tool, will remove the need to split up surfaces/geometry prior to meshing, and a new methodology and template for aero acoustic modeling, with new additional features, will be released.
TotalSim has also implemented some new techniques to try and minimize the risk of any issues with solver stability, which have been effective in improving reliability for meshes not generated using the snappyHexMesh utility.
Mid-term goals include: a functionality that can solve sonic restrictors and other similar compressible problems; the implementating automation of the meshing and setup of sliding mesh cases; a ‘ground up’ re-write of TotalSim’s automated postpro to enable it to be applicable to any CFD application; and the continued development of TotalSim’s cornering flow capability to help further optimize the setup and the integration with other tools, such as the ride height changer.